DUCE Entry Requirements-Sifa za Kujiunga na Duce 2022-2023 gospopromo, April 7, 2022April 8, 2022 DUCE Entry Requirements: sifa za kujiunga na chuo cha Duce, Minimum Entry requirements to join duce, duce admission requirements, how to apply to join duce, Courses Offered at Duce, minimum entry requirements for bachelor degrees, Table of Contents Toggle ABOUT DUCEVision & MissionWhat is Entry Requirements?Minimum Entry requirements to join duceMinimum Entry Requirements for Bachelor DegreesWhat are the Courses Offered at DUCE?Undergraduate2. Postgraduate3. Short CoursesAbout Sifa za Kujiunga na Chuo cha DUCEHow to Apply to Join Duce?SAUT Entry Requirements 2022-2023Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023University of Dodoma Entry Requirements 2022-2023Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Entry Requirements 2022-2023Entry Requirements to Join Arusha Technical CollegeTanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) Entry Requirements 2022-2023 ABOUT DUCE The Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) is a public institution established in 2005 through the Government Notice No. 202 published on 22nd July 2005. The establishment of the College was a priority response by the Government of Tanzania to address the problem of acute shortage of graduate teachers and experts in the education sector that had resulted from the rapid expansion of school enrolment. The expansion was due to the successes of the Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) in 2002 – 2006 and the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP I) in 2004 – 2009, among other initiatives. ALSO SEE: National College of Tourism | Entry Requirements 2022 Vision & Mission Vision To become a prominent hub for transformative education and training, research, innovation and public service. Mission To advance economic and social development through effective teaching, research, innovation and knowledge exchange. What is Entry Requirements? Many universities and colleges set a combination of entry requirements. This could be a specific qualification, subject, or grade, or a certain grade in a certain subject (or subjects) relevant to the course you’re applying for. Some universities and colleges use UCAS Tariff points in their entry requirements. Minimum Entry requirements to join duce DUCE Entry Requirements The new minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with: A minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi. An achievement rating of 50 – 59% or better in four 20-credit NSC subjects The leadership of the University of Dar es Salaam (DUCE) has provided minimum requirements for joining tertiary institutions so that they can successfully enroll in Bachelor, Postgraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Certificate, Short and Non-Degree courses. respectively for the 2022/2023 academic year. ALSO READ: Entry Requirements To Join The Open University of Tanzania into Degree Programmes Minimum Entry Requirements for Bachelor Degrees To join DUCE College for a Bachelor Degree you need to have qualifications that meet the criteria according to the Program you are going to study at that college. Usually most colleges, especially in Tanzania, set the criteria for joining a particular college based on the requirements or requirements of the respective program. Below we have listed the programmes available at DUCE College which are the ones that provide the direction and qualifications to join this College. What are the Courses Offered at DUCE? These Courses are Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Short Courses as listed bellow Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts with Education Bachelor of Education in Arts Bachelor of Education in Science Bachelor of Science with Education Bachelor of Arts in Disaster Risk Management 2. Postgraduate Master of Arts with Education Master of Science with Education Master of Arts in Public Administration Master of Science in Environmental Biology Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ME-ELPS) Master of Education in Curriculum Studies (M.EE. (CS)) Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry (M.Sc. Ind. Chem.) Master of Arts in Development Evaluation (MADE) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Online) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Evening) 3. Short Courses French for Beginners Chinese Course ICT Short Courses Teaching Kiswahili as a Foreign Language Intensive English Course Geographical Information System (GIS) Practical Chemistry for Science school Teachers, Technicians, and other related entrepreneur Higher Education Teaching Methodology Course About Sifa za Kujiunga na Chuo cha DUCE To get all admission requirements to join Dar es salaam University College of Education (DUCE) just click on each programme above you will get all requirements for the specific programme. How to Apply to Join Duce? To apply to join DUCE you are advised to visit https://udsm.admission.ac.tz/ to make sure that you follow all procedure as given in the admission system. POSTGRADUATE APPLICATIONS The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications for admission into its postgraduate programmes for the 2022/2023 Academic year 2022/2023: July Intake for 2022/23 is now open. October Intake for 2022/23 is now open. Deadline for Application for the First batch is 30th May 2022 Successful applicants will be notified within four weeks after closing dates of the Applications . Please do not hesitate to contact us through the contacts below: UNDERGRADUATE POSTGRADUATE HELPDESK Admission Officer +255 74 209 4718 +255 73 941 0016 +255 74 402 6893 +255 22 241 0016 +255 69 251 2298 +255 65 839 4534 Technical Support +255 73 431 3265 +255 73 941 0069 +255 69 251 2396 Admission Officer +255 22 241 0513 General contacts admission.dpgs@udsm.ac.tz General contacts dpgs@udsm.ac.tz +255 22 241 0544 admission@udsm.ac.tz dus@udsm.ac.tz RELATED ARTICLES: SAUT Entry Requirements 2022-2023 Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023 University of Dodoma Entry Requirements 2022-2023 Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Entry Requirements 2022-2023 Entry Requirements to Join Arusha Technical College Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) Entry Requirements 2022-2023 Post Views: 759 Education Updates Courses Offered at Duceduce admission requirementsDUCE Entry Requirements: sifa za kujiunga na chuo cha Ducehow to apply to join duceminimum entry requirements for bachelor degreesMinimum Entry requirements to join duce
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