How to convert Hard Drives from MBR to GPT without losing data gospopromo, November 2, 2021 This article contains the full info on how to convert hard drives from MBR (Legacy) to GPT without losing data, with flexibility partitions and more freedom of use. First of all, you have to know that MBR is old system for old computers that using standard BIOS, while GPT is the current system of UEFI. There are many ways to convert Disk from MPBR to GPT, but with different outcomes, others can cause loss of data, while others can keep it. With this article I’m going to share with you all details, so you can choose which one can suite you. Table of Contents Toggle If you want to convert hard drives from MBR to GPT without data loss, then these are the best software to do it;EaseUS Partition MasterAOMEI Partition Assistant ProfessionalIf you don’t care about your data, then you can use DISKPART on CMD to convert your disk from MBR to GPT as follows; If you want to convert hard drives from MBR to GPT without data loss, then these are the best software to do it; EaseUS Partition Master EaseUS earn reputation for designing best apps for PCs and some of mobile apps. Their tool, EaseUS Partition Master is the easiest app to convert MBR to GPT without losing your data, and best thing from it, is that it executes the process faster than any software. AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional This is another best tool to keep your data safe while you dump legacy system to latest one which has compatibility with UEFI. Just like above one, it does not require advance or intermediate knowledge to make it run. What you need to do, is execute the process then follow the lead until it completes. If you don’t care about your data, then you can use DISKPART on CMD to convert your disk from MBR to GPT as follows; Press Windows Key + X to open Win + X menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin). If Command Prompt isn’t available, you can use PowerShell instead. When Command Prompt starts, enter diskpart and press Enter Enter list disk and press Enter. Now you’ll see the list of all hard drives on your PC. If you have only one drive, you won’t be able to convert it while you’re logged in to Windows. Enter select disk X. Replace the X with the correct number that represents your hard drive. It’s crucial that you select the correct disk, so be extra cautious. If you don’t select the correct disk you’ll cause data loss, so we advise you to double check everything.One of the simplest ways to select the proper hard drive is to check its size. If you have two or more hard drives you’ll be able to distinguish them easily by their size. Now enter clean and press Enter. After running this command all files and partitions will be removed from your hard drive, so be sure to back up all important files. Now just enter convert gpt and press Enter. Next, enter assign and press enter Last, enter active, then all done just like that but all data cleaned. Post Views: 461 PC AOMEI Partition Assistant ProfessionalEaseUS Partition Master
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