Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA | VETA Entry Requirements 2024-2025 gospopromo, May 15, 2024May 15, 2024 Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements], Entry Requirements and Qualifications to Join Vocational Education and Training (VETA), Vigezo Muhimu vya kujiunga na VETA, Waliochaguliwa kujiunga na VETA, Vigezo vya Kujiunga na Vyuo Vya VETA Tanzania, VETA Admission Requirements Table of Contents Toggle Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements]Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements]>Technician Certificate in Technical and Vocational Education for Teachers (NTA Level 5) Entry Requirements>>Ordinary Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education for Teachers (NTA Level 6) Entry RequirementsVETA Tuition Fee (Ada Za Vyuo vya Veta) Vocational training systemALSO YOU MIGHT LIKE: Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements] Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements]: The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) was established by Act No. 1 of 1994 with the responsibility of coordinating, supervising, facilitating, promoting and providing vocational education and training in Tanzania. The history of VETA began in 1940 when the Apprenticeship Act was passed to guide training in the industry. Vocational Training Law of 1974, which established the National Vocational Training Department to be replaced by the Vocational Education and Training Act of 1994. Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements] Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA >Technician Certificate in Technical and Vocational Education for Teachers (NTA Level 5) Entry Requirements The minimum entry requirement for a technician certificate in a Technical and Vocational Teacher Education Program is possession of a Level 6 National Technical Award (NTA) in any technical or professional profession or its equivalent from a recognized technical institution. Period The duration of this program will be one year (12 months) if attended full-time at the main campus of Morogoro or twenty-four months (two years) with the open learning and blended distance learning mode. This is a progressive level of study to NTA level 6 (Normal Diploma) for those who wish not to exit voluntarily at this point. >>Ordinary Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education for Teachers (NTA Level 6) Entry Requirements Entry requirements for the Ordinary Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teacher Education Program require the applicant to have at least a Level 5 National Technical Award (NTA) in Technical or Vocational Teacher Education or its equivalent from a recognized institution. Period This is a two-year (24-month) program if attended full-time at the main campus in Morogoro or three years (36 months) through a blended mode with the offer of open and distance learning. The Ordinary Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teacher Education is a mandatory exit level. VETA Tuition Fee (Ada Za Vyuo vya Veta) More information on the fee structure is available at Vocational training system The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is an independent government agency established by Parliament Act No. 1 of 1994, Chapter 82 [Revised 2006]. The overall objective of establishing VETA is to oversee the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in Tanzania. It is charged with the responsibilities of promoting, coordinating, providing, organizing and financing vocational education and training in the country. Vision VETA’s vision is “Tanzania with qualified and efficient craftsmen.” Mission VETA’s mission is to “ensure the quality of vocational skills by providing, organizing, coordinating, promoting and financing vocational education and training for national social and economic development.” core values demand-driven services; service excellence; Transparency ; And work as one team. Roles of VETA providing education and vocational training; VETA provides training through its 33 vocational training centers and institutes. It also provides training for professional teachers through the Morogoro Professional Teacher Training College. 2. Coordination of vocational education and training; VETA coordinates over 700 educational and vocational education and training institutions owned by other VET service providers in the country, providing training in the form of long courses, short courses and customized courses. Also, VETA conducts labor market surveys to determine the skills required by the labor market. In addition, the authority establishes and maintains close links and partnership with other training providers at the national and zonal levels. NOTE: Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA [VETA Entry Requirements] 3. organization of vocational education and training; VETA regulates the provision of vocational education and training in the country through the registration of vocational education and training institutions; Accreditation; setting standards curriculum development; audit for compliance; Appreciation; And the testimony. 4. financing and managing the Vocational Education and Training Fund; VETA funds and operates the VET Vocational Education and Training Fund. The main source of the VET Fund is employers’ contribution to the Skills Development Fee (SDL). Employers with four employees and above contribute 6% of their employees’ salaries as an SDL. Some other sources of VET funding are government development projects. contributions of development partners; Funds from internal sources such as income generating activities and training fees. Sifa za Kujiunga na VETA 5. Strengthening vocational education and training VETA assumes the role of promoting vocational education and training in the country. VETA believes that the public can support VET if it is provided with sufficient information about VET objectives and activities. Promotion is done by communicating VET to various stakeholders including government, parents, employers, employees and donors. Other targets include current and potential trainees and teachers. Graduate VET legislators, trade unions, NGOs and the media. VETA uses different media to communicate VET to stakeholders: through advertising, VET Week activities, public presentations, trade fairs, exhibitions and publicity. Others include newsletters, annual reports, brochures, VET catalogs, websites and other promotional materials. 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