1448 Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo Tanzania-Employment Opportunities gospopromo, March 27, 2022March 27, 2022 Search and find latest government jobs in Tanzania-1448 Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo, apply today government jobs vacancies at Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries. Our Mission To deliver quality agricultural and cooperative services, provide conducive environment to stakeholders, build capacity of local Government Authorities and facilitate the private sector to contribute effectively to sustainable agricultural production, productivity and cooperative development, The MAFC will this by: Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo Formulating, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of relevant policies in the agricultural sector and monitoring crop regulating institution; Collaboration with the private sector, local government and other service providers to provide relevant technical service in research, extension, irrigation, plant protection, crop promotion, land use, mechanization, agricultural inputs, information services and cooperative development; Undertaking crop monitoring and early warning, maintaining strategic food reserves and promoting appropriate post harvest technologies, and Encouraging, undertaking and coordinating research and development and training. Table of Contents Toggle Recommended:Senior Government Advisor Job at D-tree International Zanzibar 20221448 Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo Tanzania-Employment Opportunities:JOB TITTLE: SURVEYOR – 200 POSTSASSISTANT SURVEYOR – 110 POSTSTOWN PLANNER – 358 POSTSASSISTANT TOWN PLANNER – 100 POSTSLAND OFFICER – 350 POSTSASSISTANT LAND OFFICER – 100 POSTSCARTOGRAPHER -130 POSTSGIS SPECIALIST – 50 POSTSASSISTANT DATA RECORDER – 50 POSTS Recommended: Senior Government Advisor Job at D-tree International Zanzibar 2022 1448 Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo Tanzania-Employment Opportunities: Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo On behalf of Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Developments, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) invites dynamic and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill 1448 vacant posts as mentioned below; Click on each job tittle to get full information: JOB TITTLE: SURVEYOR – 200 POSTS ASSISTANT SURVEYOR – 110 POSTS TOWN PLANNER – 358 POSTS ASSISTANT TOWN PLANNER – 100 POSTS LAND OFFICER – 350 POSTS ASSISTANT LAND OFFICER – 100 POSTS CARTOGRAPHER -130 POSTS GIS SPECIALIST – 50 POSTS ASSISTANT DATA RECORDER – 50 POSTS Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo GENERAL CONDITIONS i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania generally with an age not above 45; ii. All applicants must have smartphones with android operating system. iii. Applicants for position of Town Planners, Recorders, Cartographers and Surveyors must have laptops. iv. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers; v. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement; vi. Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates:- vii. • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates; viii. • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts, Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates, Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable), Birth certificate; ix. Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted: Form IV and form VI results slips, Testimonials and all Partial transcripts; x. An applicant must upload recent Passport Size Photo in the Recruitment Portal; xi. An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer; xii. An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply; xiii. An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts; Page 7 of 7 xiv. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA). xv. Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE); xvi. Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal action; xvii. An applicant with special needs/case (disability) is supposed/advised to indicate; xviii. A signed application letters should be written either in Swahili or English and addressed to Secretary, Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat, P.O. Box 2320, University of Dodoma (UDOM), Utumishi Building/Asha Rose Migiro Buildings – Dodoma. xix. Deadline for application is 08th April , 2022; xx. Only short-listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview and; NOTE: All applications must be sent through Recruitment Portal by using the following address; http://portal.ajira.go.tz/and not otherwise (This address also can be found at PSRS Website, Click ‘Recruitment Portal’) Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo Also read: Nafasi za Kazi Bukoba DC-Job Opportunities at Bukoba DC 2022 Post Views: 680 Jobs Updates Nafasi za Kazi Wizara ya Kilimo
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