Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023 gospopromo, February 10, 2022February 10, 2022 Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023:- Search and Find all admission requirements to join law school of Tanzania, all information about law school of Tanzania. The Law School of Tanzania (the School) was established by the Law School of Tanzania Act 2007 (the Act) that came into force on 2nd May 2007. This was an important milestone towards improving practical skills of aspiring lawyers in the country. Before the establishment of the School, aspiring lawyers were trained in practical skills through the internship program run by the Attorney General’s Chambers. Later on some Universities adopted the Externship system to impart practical skills to aspiring lawyers. These systems have now been replaced by the Practical Legal Training Programme to be run by the School. The Law School is under the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and Justice. Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023 The School is a body corporate. It is an independent organ with its own Governing Board. In that regard Section 4 of the Act provides that the School shall: have perpetual succession and an official seal. in its corporate name be capable of suing and being sued. be capable of entering into contract, holding, purchasing or otherwise acquiring in any other way, movable property or immovable property and disposing of any of its property and have power to borrow money or property as may be required for efficient and proper performance of its functions. The Governing Board oversees the School and its functions and is assisted by a standing committee known as the Practical Legal Training Committee. Table of Contents Toggle Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023For more Information just visit the official website of Dodoma Entry Requirements 2022-2023List of Courses Offered at The University of Dodoma 2022-2023List of Government Teaching Colleges in TanzaniaList of Registered Nursing Colleges in Tanzania Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023 For admission into the study programs at the Faculty of Law in Tanzania, LAW SCHOOL OF TANZANIA for any degree, the applicant must have the following requirements for successful admission. To be eligible for admission to the one-year practical legal training program, the applicant must be: Holds a law degree awarded by a university in Tanzania whose legal program has been accredited by the Law Board. This applies to both Tanzanian and non-Tanzanian nationals. The degree must have been obtained from a university or higher education institution duly licensed or chartered under the laws of Tanzania and approved by the Law Board. A citizen of Tanzania with a law degree obtained from a university or institution in a foreign country operating with a common law system and recognized by the Law Council of Tanzania. The applicant must obtain prior written permission from the Legal Council. A former student of the bar course intending to repeat the entire bar course or the subject(s) as stipulated in the applicable rules for passing the bar course. Law School of Tanzania Entry Requirements 2022-2023 For more Information just visit the official website ALSO YOU MAY LIKE: University of Dodoma Entry Requirements 2022-2023 List of Courses Offered at The University of Dodoma 2022-2023 List of Government Teaching Colleges in Tanzania List of Registered Nursing Colleges in Tanzania Post Views: 914 Education Updates EducationUpdates
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