How to use Google Docs 2022

How to use Google Docs 2022
How to use Google Docs 2022, pub-5413329544040947, RESELLER, f08c47fec0942fa0

How to use Google Docs 2022;- You may write, format, and collaborate on documents using Google Docs, an online word processor. See our list of the top Google Docs tips.

How to use Google Docs 2022

How to use Google Docs 2022
How to use Google Docs 2022

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Step 1: Create a document

Making a new document

  1. Open the Docs home page at on your computer.
  2. Click Blank New under “Start a new document” in the top left corner.

Another option is to use the URL to start fresh documents.

Step 2: Edit and format

editing a document:

  1. Open a Google Docs document on your PC.
  2. Double-clicking a word or highlighting the text you want to edit with your cursor will select it.
  3. begin editing
  4. Click Undo Undo or Redo Redo at the top to reverse an action.

On a touchscreen device like a Pixel Book, double-tap the document to begin typing in order to edit it.

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In a document, you can add and edit text, paragraphs, spacing, and more.

  • Set the font or paragraph style
  • Include a headline, title, or table of contents.

 Step 3: Share & work with others

You can decide who has access to which files and folders, and whether they may view, modify, or comment on them.

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