20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities gospopromo, October 4, 2022 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities;-PhD scholarships for minorities are becoming more prevalent in an effort to encourage diversity. Minority students have less frequently enrolled in doctoral programs than the national average. But this distance is shrinking. According to the NCES, more than one-fourth of PhD students belong to underrepresented groups. Getting a PhD frequently calls for some form of outside funding. This may lower the PhD program’s exorbitant cost. This raises the investment value of a PhD. Average predicted lifetime earnings for PhD graduates are $3.3 million! You could be able to finance your professional progression by taking advantage of any of the following lucrative PhD grants for minorities. Table of Contents Toggle 20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities1.AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students2.Alfred P. Sloan Minority PhD Scholarships3.American Indian Graduate Center Fellowships4.ASC Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities 5.CHCI Graduate Fellowship Program6.Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships7.Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship8.Hsiao Memorial Economics Scholarship9.Jeanette Elmer Scholarship Fund10.Johnson & Johnson Minority Nurse Faculty Scholars Program11.KSEA-KUSCO Scholarships for Graduate Students12.Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship13.National Gem Consortium PhD Science Scholarship14.NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program15.Predoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services16.Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship17.SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program18.UNCF Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships19.Vine Deloria Jr. Memorial Scholarship20.Xerox Technical Minority Scholarships 20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities 1.AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students There are 22 Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students offered each year by the American Institute of CPAs. Each of the $12,000 scholarships is given to full-time students. The recipient must be a citizen of the United States and have the ability to teach accounting in a university setting. African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native American students are eligible for the fellowship. Candidates that meet the requirements must hold a master’s degree and be CPA-certified. They need to have worked in accounting for at least three years. Also, they must be citizens or lawful residents of the United States. Contact information for the AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students is 220 Leigh Farm Road Durham, NC 27707 (919) 402-4500. Link to Scholarship 2.Alfred P. Sloan Minority PhD Scholarships The Alfred P. Sloan Minority PhD Scholarships are for doctoral candidates from underrepresented groups. The National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering is the organization behind the scholarships. Students must choose a major in either mathematics, science, technology, or engineering (STEM). Candidates must be citizens of the United States. They have to be full-time students at institutions that have been named Sloan University Centers for Exemplary Mentoring. Over 900 minority PhD researchers have received doctorate fellowships through the program since its establishment in 1995. Alfred P. Sloan Minority PhD Scholarships can be reached at 1 North Broadway, Suite 601, White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 539-4010, or via email at sloanphds@nacme.org.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities 3.American Indian Graduate Center Fellowships Indigenous students in the United States are given fellowships by the American Indian Graduate Center. Students must be enrolled in an eligible U.S. institution currently seeking a PhD or professional degree. The prize ranges from $1,000 to $5,000. Candidates must be enrolled tribal members of federally recognized tribes in order to apply. They must demonstrate financial need, have at least one fourth degree Indian ancestor, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Another option is the AIGC Loan for Service. Contact American Indian Graduate Center Fellowships at: Albuquerque, NM 87110 3701 San Mateo NE Suite 200 (505) 881-4584 web@aigcs.org Link to Scholarship 4.ASC Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities The Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities were established by the American Society of Criminology. Three African American, Asian, Hispanic, or Native American students will each receive $6,000 from this organization. A PhD program in criminology or criminal justice is required for applicants. It is not necessary for applicants to be ASC members to be eligible. Applications must include admissions documentation. Additionally needed are a recent curriculum vitae and certified transcripts. Three reference letters must be submitted by candidates. And last, a letter outlining their criminology career goals. Contact ASC Graduate Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities at (614) 292-9207 or 1314 Kinnear Road, Suite 212 Columbus, Ohio 43212.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities 5.CHCI Graduate Fellowship Program The Graduate Fellowship Program of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute is a paid fellowship. The fellowship pays $2,900 plus $1,160 in biweekly compensation, less taxes. The purpose is to give Latino PhD candidates professional experience. The fellowship is in Washington, DC, and focuses on developing leaders. Fellows who meet the requirements must have a master’s degree, keep a 3.0 GPA, and be allowed to work in the US. Candidates must demonstrate a dedication to public service and put in 20 hours of volunteer work. They must also show indications of having leadership qualities.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact CHCI Graduate Fellowship Program at (202) 543-1771 or 1128 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20006. 6.Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships Doctoral fellowships are offered for three years through the $24,000 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships. Minority students who are now pursuing a PhD or ScD are eligible for the funds. The recipients must be U.S. citizens or holders of green cards. At a non-profit institution in the United States, they must enrol in a research-based program. They must have achieved high academic standards and must want to work in higher education, either as a teacher or researcher. The following majors are accepted: chemistry, linguistics, political science, and history. Inquire with Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships 500 Fifth Street NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 334-2000 infofell@nas.edu Read;20 Best Colleges for Renewable Energy Research 2023 7.Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship The Harriet G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship is funded by NASA. Up to 20 PhD scholarships are offered by the fellowship to underrepresented groups, women, and individuals with disabilities. Candidates must be majoring in STEM fields. Candidates must be full-time students at recognized American universities. They must have STEM majors for their PhD degrees. Award packages, which include a Mentor-Protégé Initiative, start at $24,500.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact Predoctoral Fellowship for Harriett G. Jenkins 2750 Prosperity Avenue Suite 600 Fairfax, VA 22031 (800) 231-9155 Brenda Collins NASA 8.Hsiao Memorial Economics Scholarship Each academic year, the Asian Pacific Fund awards the Hsiao Memorial Economics Scholarship. The scholarship provides Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders enrolled in a college or institution in the United States with a $1,000 financial aid award. They should be pursuing an economics PhD. Candidates must be academically qualified, have a 3.0 GPA, and intend to work in academia as teachers or researchers. Candidates must have 50% Asian ancestry. The proof of financial need is required. The research that students are doing must be beneficial to Asians. Doctoral students of Chinese heritage are given preference. For more information, get in touch with Hsiao Memorial Economics Scholarship at 465 California Street, Suite 809, San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 395-9985 info@asianpacificfund.org. 9.Jeanette Elmer Scholarship Fund Native American college students in the US receive $1,000 in financial aid through the Jeanette Elmer Scholarship Fund. The Wisconsin Oneida Nation established the scholarship in 2006. To be eligible, students must belong to a Wisconsin, New Mexico, or Arizona tribe that has received federal recognition. Candidates must have finished a bachelor’s program in order to be eligible. They must enrol in a master’s or PhD program in a U.S. graduate school that is accredited. Candidates must show that they have financial necessity. One-fourth of them are indigenous. Each applicant is required to submit a 250-word personal essay in type. For further information, get in touch with the Jeanette Elmer Scholarship Fund at 4520 Montgomery Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 881-4584.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities 10.Johnson & Johnson Minority Nurse Faculty Scholars Program The minority nurse faculty scholars program is run by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. For minorities studying full-time, the scholarship program offers $18,000 PhD grants. Students must be enrolled in a doctoral nursing program with a clinical emphasis. Students must be U.S. citizens and American Indian, Asian American, Black, Latino, or Pacific Islander. They must enroll in a college with CCNE accreditation. Candidates must hold valid RN licenses. After graduation, they must promise to work as full-time instructors in an RN program.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact program@aacn.nche.edu Johnson & Johnson Minority Nurse Faculty Scholars 1 Dupont Circle NW Suite 530 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-6930 11.KSEA-KUSCO Scholarships for Graduate Students The Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center collaborates with the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association. They jointly offer 20 $1,500 scholarships to Korean students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees. Candidates must enroll in a recognized U.S. university to be eligible. They must choose a STEM-related major. They must be KSEA participants. Students must perform outstanding volunteer work and provide two recommendations. In addition, an 800-word essay is required. How their research will affect cooperation between the US and Korea is the subject. Contact information about KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Student Scholarships 1952 Gallows Road Vienna, VA 22182 (703) 748-1221 admin@ksea.org 12.Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship Tyler Technologies provides funding for the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship, which provides $8,000 annually. The Government Finance Officers Association grants the fellowship. Outstanding master’s or doctoral candidates pursuing a career in municipal or state government finance are eligible for the award. Candidates must come from an ethnic group that is underrepresented. Public administration, accounting, finance, economics, political science, and nonprofit management are acceptable majors. Americans and Canadians are eligible. They must be students in a North American institution with accreditation. Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship contact information Chicago, IL 60601 (203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700) (312) 977-9700 rkotchen@gfoa.org Link to Scholarship 13.National Gem Consortium PhD Science Scholarship Minority students may apply for the PhD Science Scholarship from the National Gem Consortium. The student must be beginning their first year of natural science PhD study. Chemistry, physics, earth science, mathematics, biology, and computer science are all considered branches of natural science. Full tuition is paid for Fellows at a GEM university member. They also receive a compensated summer internship and a living allowance of $16,000. Candidates must be citizens or authorized residents of the United States. They need to keep their GPA at 3.0 and have strong GRE results.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact information for the National Gem Consortium PhD Science Fellowship is at 1430 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 562-3646 info@gemfellowship.org. 14.NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program is given out by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The program was created to offer minorities and women four annual PhD awards. Those who might not otherwise be able to afford a PhD receive the grant. Candidates must be taking classes in ecology, marine biology, oceanography, or a related subject. Candidates who qualify must enroll in a graduate program that is accredited. They must be citizens of the USA. A 3.0 cumulative GPA or above is required. They must also have an interest in learning about fisheries and coastal ecosystems.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact NOAA at fosterscholars@noaa.gov or 1305 East-West Highway, Suite 1110, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. Link to Scholarship 15.Predoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services African American, US Native, Asian, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander applicants are given preference for this scholarship. Candidates must be enrolled in a PhD program in psychology that is recognized. Additionally, they must be citizens of the United States. They must be dedicated to working in behavioral health services or policy for ethnic minorities. Fellows receive financing, training, and assistance with their dissertations for three years. Additionally, they get the chance to network. For further information, get in touch with Predoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services at 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002 (800) 374-2721 executiveoffice@apa.org. 16.Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship The American Society for Microbiology bestows the Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship. The total award is $63,000 spread over three years. It is intended for Latinos, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and African Americans. In a PhD program, they must be beginning their second year. Microbiological sciences must be their primary focus. Three letters of recommendation and official transcripts are required for all applications. They must also submit a one-page essay outlining their aspirations for a microbiological career.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Contact Fellowships@asmusa.org 1752 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship 17.SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program The Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholars Program offers this $20,000 yearly stipend. Minority students enrolling in campus-based PhD programs are eligible for the stipend. At a participating U.S. university, the program must be full-time. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or authorized permanent residents to be considered. They must hold a bachelor’s degree or above. They are not allowed to work outside of their department. They must be citizens of one of the 16 Southern United States member states. Finally, they need to make plans to work as full-time university professors. Contact SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program at chanell.turner@sreb.org or 592 10th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Link to Scholarship Also Read;20 Best Deals on Small Art Colleges 18.UNCF Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships 12+ dissertation grants are available through the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Merck Science Initiative, each worth $53,000. African American PhD candidates enrolling full-time are eligible for the fellowships. They must be taking classes in a physical science, a life science, or an engineering subject. Candidates must be citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States. They have to go to a school with regional accreditation. They must possess exceptional intellectual competence and have passed all doctorate qualifying tests. Additionally, they must have one to three years left before finishing their dissertation study. UNCF Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships can be reached at 1805 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001 (202) 810-0331 or by email at uncfmerck@uncf.org.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Link to Scholarship 19.Vine Deloria Jr. Memorial Scholarship The Vine Deloria Jr. Memorial Scholarship, worth $1,000, is provided by the American Indian College Fund. Native American students in the US seeking a master’s or PhD are eligible for the grant. There are no limitations on what can be studied. Candidates must be enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe to be eligible. At least one-quarter of them must be native. They need to show financial necessity and have a GPA of 3.0. Candidates for the Anthony A. Welmas Scholarship may also be PhD candidates. Contact Scholarship for Vine Deloria Jr. 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 (800) 776-3863 info@collegefund.org 20.Xerox Technical Minority Scholarships The Xerox Technical Minority Scholarships are given to full-time students and range in value from $1,000 to $10,000. Students must be enrolled in a technical science program leading to a BS, MS, or PhD. This covers fields including physics, engineering, computer science, information management, chemistry, manufacturing, and software. Those who qualify must enroll in an authorized four-year college in the United States. They need to be B students. They must also provide a thorough electronic CV and demonstrate unmet financial need. Candidates cannot be blood relatives of Xerox workers. Contact information for Xerox Technical Minority Scholarships is 45 Glover Avenue Norwalk, Connecticut 06856 (877) 747-3625, or via email at globalcareers@xerox.com.20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities Generally, Your life will be consumed by worry and insomnia for about five years as you pursue a PhD. Your PhD degree may also set you back hundreds of thousands of dollars due to increased tuition. Simply having insufficient funds prevents many minority students from moving forward. Scholarships are a good source of income that can assist people avoid having to take on a significant amount of debt for student loans. Take a look at these 20 excellent PhD scholarships for minorities if you’re African American, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Hispanic, or Alaska Native. Check out some of our school rankings to find PhD programs at fantastic prices. Post Views: 355 Education Scholarship Updates 20 Great PhD Scholarships for Minorities
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