Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024 | NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & Results gospopromo, January 29, 2024January 29, 2024 Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024, NBC Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & Results, ratiba kamili ligi kuu Tanzania bara, ratiba ya ligi kuu NBC, Tanzania Premier League Table, ratiba ya NBC Premier League leo, NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, NBC Premier League Schedule 2023/2024. Table of Contents Toggle NBC Tanzania Premier LeagueRatiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024 | NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & ResultsRatiba Ligi Kuu NBC 2023-2024 Tanzania Premier League FixtureAlso See: NBC Tanzania Premier League The Tanzanian Premier League is one of the best leagues in Africa that are currently being followed by many people. The Tanzania League Known as NBC Premier League is under the Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) Due to the existence of advertising rights from Azam TV, it has led to a great awareness in the Tanzania Premier League because the amount of money that each team receives from Azam TV and the big sponsors National Banc of Commerce (NBC) is huge. Previously, many teams in Tanzania were having a lot of problems, especially in terms of the operation of their clubs, now every team has strengthened itself by making good registrations because every team already has enough money. Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024 | NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & Results For this season 2023-2024, the Tanzania Premier League (NBC Premier League) has a total of 16 teams where two teams will be relegated directly and two teams will go to the playoffs. Below we have put the complete Schedule for you from the First Round and the Second Round. Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024, NBC Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & Results, ratiba kamili ligi kuu Tanzania bara, ratiba ya ligi kuu NBC, Tanzania Premier League Table, ratiba ya NBC Premier League leo, NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, NBC Premier League Schedule 2023/2024. Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024, NBC Premier League Table, Standings, Fixtures & Results, ratiba kamili ligi kuu Tanzania bara, ratiba ya ligi kuu NBC, Tanzania Premier League Table, ratiba ya NBC Premier League leo, NBC Tanzania Premier League Table, NBC Premier League Schedule 2023/2024. Read Also: AFCON Ratiba Kamili Hatua ya 16 Bora 2023-2024: Africa Cup of Nations Ivory Coast Ratiba Ligi Kuu NBC 2023-2024 Tanzania Premier League Fixture DATE TIME HOME TEAM AWAY TEAM 2-Feb-24 16:00 Kagera Sugar FC VS Young Africans SC 3-Feb-24 16:00 Mashujaa FC VS Simba SC 5-Feb-24 19:00 Young Africans SC VS Dodoma Jiji FC 6-Feb-24 16:00 Tabora United FC VS Simba SC 8-Feb-24 19:00 Young Africans SC VS Mashujaa FC 9-Feb-24 TBC Simba SC VS Azam FC 11-Feb-24 14:00 Tabora United FC VS Namungo FC 11-Feb-24 16:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS Young Africans SC 11-Feb-24 19:00 Dodoma Jiji FC VS Mashujaa FC 12-Feb-24 14:00 Mtibwa Sugar FC VS Ihefu FC 12-Feb-24 18:15 Kagera Sugar FC VS Singida FG 12-Feb-24 20:15 KMC FC VS Coastal Union FC 15-Feb-24 18:15 JKT Tanzania FC VS Simba SC 16-Feb-24 20:00 Azam FC VS Geita Gold FC 15-Feb-24 16:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS Singida FG 15-Feb-24 20:15 Coastal Union FC VS Dodoma Jiji FC 16-Feb-24 18:00 Kagera Sugar FC VS Mashujaa FC 17-Feb-24 16:00 KMC FC VS Young Africans SC 18-Feb-24 18:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS Namungo FC 18-Feb-24 TBC Simba SC VS Mtibwa Sugar FC 19-Feb-24 14:00 Geita Gold FC VS Ihefu FC 19-Feb-24 16:00 Tabora United FC VS Azam FC 24-Feb-24 18:00 Coastal Union FC VS Mtibwa Sugar FC 24-Feb-24 20:00 KMC FC VS Namungo FC 25-Feb-24 16:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS Azam FC 25-Feb-24 14:00 Tabora United FC VS Singida FG 25-Feb-24 16:00 Geita Gold FC VS Mashujaa FC 25-Feb-24 18:30 Kagera Sugar FC VS Ihefu FC TBA 19:00 Dodoma Jiji FC VS Simba SC TBA 18:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS Young Africans SC 27-Feb-24 16:00 Mtibwa Sugar FC VS Dodoma Jiji FC 27-Feb-24 19:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS KMC FC 28-Feb-24 14:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS Tabora United 28-Feb-24 14:00 Ihefu FC VS Mashujaa FC 28-Feb-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Azam FC 28-Feb-24 16:00 Geita Gold FC VS Kagera Sugar FC 8-Mar-24 18:00 Namungo FC VS Young Africans SC 9-Mar-24 18:00 Coastal Union FC VS Simba SC 2-Mar-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Mtibwa Sugar FC 2-Mar-24 16:00 Mashujaa FC VS Namungo FC 2-Mar-24 18:15 Kagera Sugar FC VS JKT Tanzania FC 2-Mar-24 20:30 KMC FC VS Geita Gold FC 3-Mar-24 16:00 Tabora United FC VS Coastal Union FC 3-Mar-24 19:00 Azam FC VS Dodoma Jiji FC 6-Mar-24 TBC Simba SC VS Tanzania Prisons FC 11-Mar-24 18:00 Young Africans SC VS Ihefu FC 5-Mar-24 16:00 Ihefu FC VS KMC FC 5-Mar-24 20:15 Namungo FC VS Kagera Sugar FC 6-Mar-24 16:00 Mashujaa FC VS JKT Tanzania FC 6-Mar-24 20:15 Dodoma Jiji FC VS Tabora United FC 6-Mar-24 18:00 Azam FC VS Coastal Union FC 9-Mar-24 16:00 Mtibwa Sugar FC VS Tanzania Prisons FC 12-Mar-24 TBC Simba SC VS Singida FG 14-Mar-24 18:00 Young Africans SC VS Geita Gold IC 9-Mar-24 20:15 Dodoma Jiji FC VS Geita Gold FC 10-Mar-24 16:00 KMC FC VS Tabora United FC 12-Mar-24 19:00 Kagera Sugar FC VS Mtibwa Sugar FC 13-Mar-24 16:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS Tanzania Prisons FC 14-Mar-24 20:15 Coastal Union FC VS Ihefu FC 15-Mar-24 TBC Simba SC VS Mashujaa FC 15-Mar-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Namungo FC 17-Mar-24 19:00 Azam FC VS Young Africans SC 12-Apr-24 14:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS KMC FC 12-Apr-24 16:00 Mashujaa FC VS Coastal Union FC 13-Apr-24 14:00 Geita Gold FC VS Mtibwa Sugar FC 13-Apr-24 16:00 Ihefu FC VS Simba SC 13-Apr-24 19:00 Namungo FC VS Azam FC 14-Apr-24 14:00 Tabora United FC VS JKT Tanzania FC 14-Apr-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Young Africans SC 14-Apr-24 19:00 Kagera Sugar FC VS Dodoma Jiji FC 16-Apr-24 16:00 Mtibwa Sugar FC VS KMC FC 16-Apr-24 19:00 Azam FC VS Mashujaa FC 17-Apr-24 14:00 Geita Gold FC VS Tanzania Prisons FC 17-Apr-24 16:00 Tabora United FC VS Kagera Sugar FC 17-Apr-24 19:00 Namungo FC VS Coastal Union FC 18-Apr-24 16:00 Ihefu FC VS Singida FG 18-Apr-24 19:00 Dodoma Jiji FC VS JKT Tanzania FC TBA TBC Young Africans SC VS Simba SC 27-Apr-24 16:00 Tabora United FC VS Geita Gold FC 27-Apr-24 19:00 Azam FC VS Ihefu FC 28-Apr-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Mashujaa FC 28-Apr-24 19:00 Dodoma Jiji FC VS KMC FC 29-Apr-24 16:00 Tanzania Prisons FC VS Kagera Sugar FC 29-Apr-24 19:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS Mtibwa Sugar FC TBA 17:00 Namungo FC VS Simba SC TBA 19:30 Young Africans SC VS Coastal Union FC 7-May-24 14:00 Ihefu FC VS Namungo FC 7-May-24 16:00 Singida FG VS Dodoma Jiji FC 7-May-24 TBC Simba SC VS Tabora United FC 8-May-24 16:00 Mashujaa FC VS Young Africans SC 8-May-24 18:15 Coastal Union FC VS Tanzania Prisons FC 8-May-24 20:15 KMC FC VS Kagera Sugar FC 9-May-24 16:00 Mtibwa Sugar FC VS Azam FC 9-May-24 19:00 JKT Tanzania FC VS Geita Gold FC Due to the Schedule that has already been set above, it is hoped that the Tanzania Premier League for Season 2023-2024 will be very difficult and interesting. For football fans, we invite you to follow our page every day to get all the updates, especially the results, the squads of all the teams that are in the main league in Tanzania, and the results because we will be posting everything here. Also See: Msimamo NBC Premier League 2023/2024 Msimamo Ligi Kuu Tanzania Bara (NBC Premier League) 2023-2024 AFCON Timu Zilizofuzu Hatua ya 16 Bora | AFCON Ivory Coast 2023-2024 Ratiba ya Nusu Fainali Mapinduzi CUP 2023-2024 Post Views: 486 Sports Entertainment News Tips Updates NBC Premier League Schedule 2023/2024NBC Premier league TableNBC Tanzania Premier League Tableratiba kamili ligi kuu Tanzania baraRatiba Ligi Kuu NBC 2023-2024Ratiba NBC Premier League 2023-2024ratiba ya ligi kuu NBCratiba ya NBC Premier League leo
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