20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students gospopromo, September 28, 2022 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students;-20 Best Offers on Small Colleges for Students Who Are Politically Active For the following ranked list of the 20 Best Small Universities for Politically Active Students, we chose small colleges with an academic concentration and a lower net price than comparable sized institutions. We gave points for things like the availability of scholarships, the diversity of the faculty and student body, student political organizations, opportunities for international exchange, flexible degree options, a progressive curriculum, and other noteworthy characteristics that are valuable to politically motivated students. The 20 universities listed below that have a maximum enrolment of 6,000 students and a net price of $32,000 USD or less according to College Navigator received the top ratings. The following is a guide for individuals looking for the colleges with the most political activism while maintaining Table of Contents Toggle 20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students1.Brandeis UniversityWaltham, Massachusetts2.Bard College at Simon’s RockGreat Barrington, Massachusetts3.Vassar CollegePoughkeepsie, NY4.Macalester CollegeSt. Paul, Minnesota5.Bates CollegeLewiston, Maine6.Trinity CollegeHartford, Connecticut7.The Evergreen State CollegeOlympia, Washington8.Grinnell CollegeGrinnell, Iowa9.Amherst CollegeAmherst, Massachusetts10.Reed CollegePortland, Oregon11.Warren Wilson CollegeAsheville, North Carolina12.New College of FloridaSarasota, Florida13.Claremont McKenna CollegeClaremont, California14.Hampden-Sydney CollegeHampden-Sydney, Virginia15.Saint Anselm CollegeManchester, New Hampshire16.Berea CollegeBerea, Kentucky17.College of the AtlanticBar Harbor, Maine 18.Marlboro CollegeMarlboro, Vermont 19.Earlham CollegeRichmond, Indiana20.Prescott CollegePrescott, Arizona 20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 1.Brandeis University Waltham, Massachusetts 20 points Student body: 329 Total cost: $26,367 A liberal, forward-thinking university located just west of Boston is called Brandeis University. The educational philosophy of this college places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary knowledge and preparing students to be respectable members of society. Politically engaged students at Brandeis benefit from a solid understanding of history, theories, and current international conflicts thanks to the major in politics. Graduates with degrees in politics frequently work in journalism, law, public service, and policy analysis. Brandeis University has a strong commitment to helping students with financial aid and provides a broad list of accessible scholarships and work-study alternatives.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 2.Bard College at Simon’s Rock Great Barrington, Massachusetts 19 points Student body: 329 Total cost: $29,305 The prestigious college’s Great Barrington, Massachusetts campus is located at Simon’s Rock. For students who are prepared to start college in the 10th or 11th grade, this location serves as a “early admission college.” The college’s strict admissions process has resulted in a vibrant community of intellectually curious people, as seen by the enrolment of only 329 students. The political studies division offers a multidisciplinary curriculum covering American politics, law, policy, society, and ethics study for students interested in a degree route leading to political activism. 78% of Bard students continue their education in graduate school, and 95% of the faculty members are experts in their fields.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 3.Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY 18 points Student body: 2,421 $19,661 in total. A small, varied, and highly selective student body has access to modern educational possibilities at the renowned Vassar College, located in the picturesque Hudson Valley of New York State. A political theory degree with concentrations in American, comparative, and international politics are options for those with a keen interest in politics. Vassar graduates go on to succeed in a variety of professions, including law, commerce, public administration, journalism, and economics. Vassar College hosts campus-wide activities with a wide range of special interests and welcomes visiting lecturers from all around the world.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 4.Macalester College St. Paul, Minnesota 18 points Student body: 2,073 Total cost: $27,999 Located just outside of St. Paul, Minnesota, Macalester College is renowned across the world for its academic faculty, extremely varied student body, and dedication to promoting ethical participation both on campus and overseas. Given that it offers internships that concentrate on human rights and humanitarian endeavors, this college is a great option for the politically engaged student. The Center for Victims of Torture and Advocates for Human Rights are two organizations that offer internships. The political science department offers courses in Transitional Justice, Presidential Campaigns and Elections, and Politics of Urban Education. For new students with all types of financial need, Macalester provides a wide range of financial aid and scholarship alternatives.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 5.Bates College Lewiston, Maine 17 points Student body: 1,773 Total cost: $22,062 Bates College, founded in 1855, is frequently rated as one of the greatest liberal arts colleges in the nation. With 18 Fulbright Scholars among its alumni, Bates earned the title of “Fulbright Top Producer” in 2015. A fulfilling curriculum that includes a wide range of theoretical, cultural, and methodological perspectives on politics is available to politically engaged students who wish to major in this area. Governance and conflict, identities and interests, philosophical and legal studies, and political economics are all possible areas of concentration for a degree in politics.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 6.Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut 17 points Student body: 2,408 Total cost: $25,120 Trinity College, which is situated on a beautiful 100-acre campus, is well-known for its rigorous academic standards and individualized degree possibilities. Human rights, urban, and global studies, as well as several local government connections, all offer advocacy opportunities at Trinity. The Political Action/Lobbying Internship Department offers practical training in areas of interest, such as NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut, Clean Water Action, American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut, Connecticut Association for Human Services, and more, for the politically engaged student. By allocating more than $30 million of its own assets to subsidize financial aid to new students, Trinity College aims to make higher education accessible.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 7.The Evergreen State College Olympia, Washington 16 points Student body: 4,219 Total cost: $13,630 Progressive public liberal arts college The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, has a long history of experimenting with teaching techniques. Evergreen students choose one of the multi-disciplinary “programs,” in which faculty members from several academic areas lecture in teams of two to four, as opposed to typically choosing a major. The college’s Activism, Advocacy and Citizenship curriculum, which emphasizes community-building and how citizens can be effective advocates in social, legal, ecological, and economic concerns affecting the world, may be of interest to politically engaged students.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 8.Grinnell College Grinnell, Iowa 16 points Student body: 1,734 Total cost: $24,896 Grinnell College, a Midwestern university offering many options for the civic-minded and politically engaged student, was established in rural Iowa in 1846. The Social Justice Action Group, Save the Planet, and a philanthropic initiative program where student volunteer hours create money for the organizations they’re working with are some of the most well-liked campus organizations at Grinnell. According to this college, 60% of the students are involved in local and worldwide public service programs. With the help of a faculty adviser, students at Grinnell can freely create their degree path thanks to the school’s distinctive curriculum structure.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 9.Amherst College Amherst, Massachusetts 15 points Student body: 1,792 $14,687 in net price Amherst College, which located in Western Massachusetts, attracts politically engaged students with its wide range of student organizations. The College is a great option for students from various backgrounds due to its small enrolment and affordable tuition. Amnesty International, Partners for Animal Welfare, Political Union, Project Sunshine, and Habitat for Humanity are just a few of the more than 100 campus organizations supported by the school. For those who care about the environment, Amherst is dedicated to upholding a green campus with significant sustainability measures.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 10.Reed College Portland, Oregon 15 points Student body: 1,394 Total cost: $18,671 A modest liberal arts college called Reed College encourages its students to speak out both locally and internationally. The college’s SEEDS (Students for Education, Empowerment, and Direct Service) program, which links students to international outreach through a long list of collaborations, offers opportunities for the politically interested student. Amnesty International, The Green Party, Oregon Action, and the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition are a few of the SEEDS partners that are more politically engaged. The 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio at Reed College makes it possible for students to receive personalised, mentored education.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 11.Warren Wilson College Asheville, North Carolina 15 points Student body: 890 Total cost: $23,617 Warren Wilson is a distinctive liberal arts college with a long tradition of community involvement and service. The school’s comprehensive curriculum, often known as The Triad, combines rigorous academics with fieldwork and volunteerism. WW offers a curriculum for politically engaged students who wish to delve deeper into topics like as the environment, housing and homelessness, race and immigration, animal welfare, and issues impacting the LGBTQIA community. Warren Wilson has partnered with a sizable number of groups for political engagement and volunteer work within these problem areas.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 12.New College of Florida Sarasota, Florida 14 points Registration: 834 Total cost: $12,353 A small college called The New College of Florida has a significant political action presence. This school’s student body regularly takes part in local and international protests. The college’s student government, the New College Student Alliance (NCSA), has a significant impact on most choices that affect the campus and college community. The College is well known for its distinctive degree program, which involves narrative assessments, contracts outlining expectations with teachers, independent study, and a senior thesis centered on a mentor. Because neither letter grades nor grade-point averages are used in this innovative model, learning can be more individualized and collaborative.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 13.Claremont McKenna College Claremont, California 14 points Student body: 1,324 Total cost: $23,982 Respected periodicals including Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, and Washington Monthly regularly list Claremont McKenna College among the top liberal arts universities. The government department will be of particular interest to incoming politically engaged students, as it offers instruction in public law, comparative government, international relations, and American politics, among other topics, by top faculty scholars. CMC is able to provide its student body with access to academic resources in six other close-by schools because it is a part of a seven-college alliance.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 14.Hampden-Sydney College Hampden-Sydney, Virginia 14 points Student body: 1,105 Total cost: $29.533 An hour or so from Richmond in Virginia lies an all-male college called Hampden-Sydney College. One of the ways a politically engaged student can find a space to contribute is through the school’s illustrious Civic Engagement program. The three components of this program are community collaborations, active learning, and volunteer service. The link between political structures and social outcomes is well covered in the political economy curriculum. In addition, Hampden-Sydney has had ongoing relationships with progressive community organizations including Circle K International and Habitat for Humanity.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 15.Saint Anselm College Manchester, New Hampshire 14 points Student body: 1,968 Total cost: $30,980 For the politically engaged student, Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire offers a range of options. The department of politics offers a broad curriculum that imparts knowledge of political institutions, political economy, and political history around the globe. At the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, political science students take a course where they engage with guest speakers and examine the current election cycle. The Saint Anselm Center for Experiential Learning links students looking for internships and volunteer opportunities with a wide range of domestic and international organizations.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students Read;Top 10 Best Deals for Online Programming Degree 16.Berea College Berea, Kentucky 13 points Student body: 1,621 Net cost: $0. Berea College is a work-college that provides free higher education to a limited group of students. It is located just south of Lexington, Kentucky. An innovative educational model known as the work-learning experience combines employment, learning, and service in exchange for tuition. Berea is renowned for its steadfast contributions to the local and international communities. Students who are interested in politics may choose the political science degree track, which provides a thorough understanding of political theories, international relations, government structure, and other relevant areas. Berea’s courses on women’s and gender problems provide a solid awareness of this international subject for student activists focused on gender equality.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 17.College of the Atlantic Bar Harbor, Maine 13 points Student body: 386 $16,359 in total. The extremely prestigious College of the Atlantic in picturesque Bar Harbor grants bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fields relating to human ecology. This college presents a great chance for the politically engaged student who is interested in environmental issues. The humanities, sustainable food systems, socially responsible business, and international studies are among COA’s focus study topics. The COA Council on Foreign Affairs, the Zero Waste Club, and the Student Framework for Environmental and Social Justice are just a few of the groups that this school promotes and fosters open political dialogue.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 18.Marlboro College Marlboro, Vermont 13 points Number of students: 230; cost: $28,854 Marlboro College is a forward-thinking institution with roughly 230 students that is situated in a liberal hamlet in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Marlboro supports leaders who are vocal and independent on a wide range of political topics. The political science department offers courses in comparative politics, international theory, constitutional law, and political ecology for aspiring student activists. With the help of merit-based scholarships and other financial assistance programs, MC makes every effort to keep tuition reasonable. Its alumni’s student debt is more than $5,000 less than the national average, according to a recent poll.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 19.Earlham College Richmond, Indiana 12 points Student body: 1,076 Total cost: $20,589 In 1847, Quakers established Earlham College, a modest liberal arts college in a rural area of Indiana. Although the student body has long ago changed, the College’s concept is still based on the Quaker tradition of community service. Over 80 different nationalities are welcome on the Earlham University campus, which is a top producer of honorable academic experts. Earlham supports numerous student organizations, such as Global Affairs, Students for Free Tibet, and Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine, for the politically engaged student.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students 20.Prescott College Prescott, Arizona 12 points Registrants: 848 Total cost: $26,382 A fantastic choice for students who want to get involved in environmental advocacy is Prescott College, a tiny liberal arts college in central Arizona. The esteemed Eco League, a six-college collaboration of institutions offering environmental studies programs, includes this university. Students who wanted to solve preservation-related concerns inspired the formation of this league. In order to strengthen international environmental law and policy, Prescott is also a member of the Center for International Environmental Legal, a non-profit law practice.20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students Post Views: 349 Education Updates 20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for Politically Active Students
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